Heritage Engineering

Heritage Projects

Dumas House Facade Restoration
Replacement of severely corroded concrete precast panels and repair of the reinforced concrete sub-structure for the 14 storey State Government office building in West Perth.  This work was undertaken while the building was occupied.


Spare Parts Puppet Theatre
Investigations, reporting and design of remedial works to ensure structural stability of the heritage listed building. Design of an exoskeleton to stabilise the theatre and reduce lateral deflections to acceptable limits


Woodman Point Pensioner Guard Cottages
Design and documentation of the temporary stabilisation of the Pensioner Guard Cottage ruins adjacent to the works to extend the existing waste water treatment plant.


Roleystone Theatre
Site investigation and report on structural defects. Design and documentation for temporary lateral bracing to theatre fly-tower, construction administration.

Fremantle Chamber of Commerce
Structural investigation and report for this early 20th century structure.

Various Heritage listed Residential properties
Structural defect identification, remedial options, extensions, structural modifications, crack monitoring, foundation stabilisation, pergola designs and conservation, roof structures, etc.